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On-Line Booking Form

Please fill in all the information below. Your reservation will be confirmed by the Bunkhouse Warden as soon as possible.

This name will appear on our public calendar.

Contact Details

Person / Leader with overall responsibility for booking

Booking Details

Booking sole use has a fixed nightly charge instead of the per person per night charge.

If booking "sole use" we still require the number of beds for our records.

Local Cave Access

Please Note: Bakers Pit access is controlled by DCUC and although we provide a key on their behalf you will need to make an additional £10.00 payment to “Devon & Cornwall Underground Council”. Details will be provided on booking.

Please enter any additional information or special requests above.

By ticking the above box you agree to the use of your data in accordance with our privacy policy. A copy of which can be found here

webform | by Dr. Radut